Friday 16 September 2011

Enjoying an easy week before the Duathlon

This weekend is the Duathlon (run/bike/run) at Kew Boulevard, which is an event I have been looking forward to.  So I've been taking it easy this week in order to taper for the race.  A lot of the stiffness and soreness has disappeared and I'm starting to feel very toey which is probably a good sign.  Ideally I would have done an easy mid week ride, but other appointments have prevented this.

I've done two John Van Wisse swim sessions since the last blog entry.  Both sessions have been over 3km and I've finished strongly both times.  My shoulders always feel sore at the start but warm up as the session goes on.  It may be a little while before I'll be able to swim on consecutive nights, but hopefully I'll regularly get in two swims a week for the next month or so.

Last weekend a group of us did the 70km Kinglake Ride.  There were about 12 of us that shared a big house a few kilometres out of Whittlesea (the ride start point).  Four of us were signed up for the 70km distance (including myself, Elaine and Martine) while the rest were doing the longer 120km ride including Jeremy, Los and Jan who was riding her brand new bike for the first time.  Unfortunately the weather was terrible.  It was cold, windy and rained pretty much the entire ride including a short burst of hail.  I registered for the fast group and intended to sit in the bunch until the big hill at the half way mark of the ride.  Unfortunately all the fast riders signed up for the longer ride and I ended up being the only rider in the fast group for the 70km (that started 90 mins later).  So it was a lonely ride all by myself with only the lead car 50m in front for company.  Not quite what you expect when you enter a ride with over 3000 participants.

Los and her friend Melba completed the full 120km ride, but everybody else from the house cut their ride short by taking the 70km turn off option due to the bad weather.  This seemed to be a popular option amongst all riders and I doubt many people ended up riding the full 120km.

Elaine and Martine road together for a lot of their 70km ride, which meant Elaine was able to help Martine fix a puncture - never fun when it is cold and raining.  It is probably the longest ride Elaine has done in 18 months, but despite the bad weather she completed the distance comfortably.  In fact she did so well that she decided to sign up for the 70km distance at the Alpine Classic in January which involves riding up and down Mt Buffalo.  I have signed up for the 200km Alpine Classic Ride which involves 4 mountain passes - Tawonga Gap, Falls Creek, Tawonga Gap & Mt Buffalo.  Thanks to Jeremy and Los for inviting us to stay with them at Bright (start point for the Alpine Classic rides).

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