Sunday 16 June 2013

Lesson Learnt

Last week I wrote "Unlike running, I very rarely suffer injuries from riding, so I can get away with more intensity". Well those words have come to bite me in the bum. In the last 3 weeks I have done Repeats of Two Bays RdThe Wall in the Dandenongs and yesterday I rode up Arthurs Seat (once from each direction). It turns out 3 intensive hill rides in 3 weeks just exceeds what my body can handle. I don't have an actual injury (at least I believe I don't), but I had a mild ache in my knees after the ride. Whilst the ache was a bit less today, it was still enough for me to skip my usual Sunday long run, which is very annoying. I'll probably take a rest day on Monday as well, before swimming and running again on Tuesday. London is still 13 weeks away, so a few days off now will not hurt and much better to experience problems now rather than in the last 8 weeks.

In truth the knee pain is probably a combination of all the training I've been doing lately (biking and running). But it is still a timely reminder that cycling is not immune to causing injury. It also emphasizes how important it is too keep my quads and ITBs stretched and loose - more time needed on the foam roller.

Other than pulling up with sore knees, yesterdays ride itself went very well. According to Strava it was my 7th best effort (out of 14) up Balcombe Hill, my first time on record up White Hill Rd and my 2nd best (out of 3) up Arthurs Seat. Being a reasonably long ride with several climbs, I didn't set up to break any records, but I was actually surprised how easy all of the climbs seemed. I think my cycling has improved significantly in the last month.

For nostalgic reasons I took a photo from the same lookout area on Arthurs Seat as I did nearly 2 years ago when I first started my blog - Previous blog post. The view remains the same, but the sign has been replaced and the bike has seen close to 10,000kms.

Elaine posted another 92km ride, this time to Rosebud and back. She didn't do any big climbs but the roads between Frankston and Mt Martha are definitely lumpy - much hillier than her previous long rides up and down Beach Rd. So she is making great progress with her riding and unlike me has not experienced sore knees.

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