Monday 31 August 2015

Duathlon 3, Richmond

Two weeks after the Silvan Trail Run and I am still sore, especially in the glutes and quads. This didn’t bode well for a Sprint Distance Duathlon.

Also racing was Martin and Steph, both of who I am coaching. It was the second Duathlon of season for both of them with Martin racing the Sprint Distance and Steph the shorter Dash Distance. Martin is targeting the Duathlon Worlds in Adelaide and Steph is hoping to do an Olympic Distance triathlon this season with her eyes on an Ironman in future.

The temperature started off cool but not as cold as the Trail Runs and it was quite pleasant by 9am when the race began. Pretty close to perfect racing conditions.

I’ve given up on my planned 18m00s 5km (3m36s pace) for this season, but thought 18m20s (3m40s pace) was still possible. My first 5km run splits were as follows:
  4m06s (was short, so only 3m36s)

As you can see things started going downhill after 2km. My run time was 18m35s for 4.86km, 27 secs slower than same race last year and 19m06s if you stretch it out to a full 5km. Hardly the improved run I was planning on.

Meanwhile Martin had great run, 43 seconds faster than the Duathlon only a month earlier (probably minutes faster than last season) and only 11 seconds behind me. Steph also did extremely well with a 8 second improvement in the first 2km Dash Run.

I was happier with my bike leg, averaging 39kph which is one of my better efforts on this course (12th fastest overall for the race). But not enough to close the gap to my competitors after my slow first run. I’d lent Martin my spare race wheels and these helped him post a bike split 34 seconds faster than last race. Steph also hammered the bike and found an extra 38 seconds over the 10km Dash bike course.

As usual the 2nd run of the Duathlon was tough. My aim was 3m50s pace, but I could only manage 4m00s pace. A little disappointing but not terrible. Both Martin and Steph continued their great races with 26 and 16 second improvements respectively on their last run.

You may have noticed that Elaine has not been mentioned yet. She started the race but struggled all day and pulled out near the start of the run. Her times were not that bad, I think it was simply a faster than usual field that made her feel slow. Hopefully she’ll do better next race.

Martin won his age group. For the first time in about 5 years I missed the age group podium in a Duathlon finishing 4th.

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