Sunday 4 October 2015

Getting it Together in September

Consistency was the theme in September. There were no massive days, just a consistent flow of good sessions.

31 Aug - 6 Sep  (12h16m)
  3 swims -  9km (longest 3.4)
  3 rides - 188 km (longest 128)
  3 runs - 26k m (longest 16.8)

7 Sep - 13 Sep (13h16m)
  3 swims - 10 km (longest 3.5)
  3 rides - 178 km (longest 88)
  4 runs - 40 km (longest 16.9)

14 Sep - 20 Sep (12h00m)
  2 swims - 6.2 km (longest 3.3)
  3 rides - 203 km (longest 116)
  3 runs - 33 km (longest 16.7)

21 Sep - 27 Sep  (10h05m)
  3 swims - 10.7 km (longest 3.7)
  3 rides - 141 km (longest 78)
  3 runs - 27 km (longest 10)

28 Sep - 4 Oct  (11h50m)
  3 swims - 10.2 km (longest 3.8)
  2 rides - 168 km (longest 116)
  3 runs - 33 km (longest 18.2)

My riding seems to be back very close to peak form (new PB up the Arthurs Seat climb). Running is going OK (18m37s 5km split in last Duathlon). And it feels like I am very close to a breakthrough with my swimming, once I manage to sort out my hand entry.

After a disappointing Winter, it feels like everything is coming together. Missing the early run mileage in May and June has meant I’ve only managed a longest training run of 18.2km (instead of 25+). This will most likely hurt my Half Ironman Run leg in November, but should have minimal affect on the Duathlon World Championships in October.

Elaine's training has been a bit stop start. She has a good week of training here and there but really struggles to string consecutive good weeks together.

I'm coaching Martin for the Standard Distance Duathlon at the World Championships in Adelaide and Mark for the Melbourne Marathon on the same day as the Duathlon Worlds. They have both been training tremendously well. Nailing every session, staying injury free and healthy. I'm expecting excellent results from both of them.

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