Monday 31 December 2012

Year 2012 in Review

My last 8 days of 2012 were quite good training wise. Even though I did nothing on Christmas Day, I still managed 17.5 hours of training including 5.1km swimming, 352km cycling and 36km of running.

Elaine took rest days on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but still managed 2km swimming, 176km cycling and 25km running between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve (about 11 hours of training in 6 days).

Despite what looks to be a heavy training load, being off work meant the week actually felt quite relaxing. It is amazing the difference you feel when you remove the stress from your daily job.

Below are my training stats. 2012 ended up being my biggest year ever. Not only in total training hours and sessions logged, but the biggest in each individual discipline as well. Hopefully this bodes well for the upcoming Summer events.


2012 - 409 hours (377 sessions)
2011 - 305 hours (304 sessions)
2010 - 318 hours (293 sessions)
2009 - 264 hours (225 sessions)


2012 - 246 km, 98 hours, 108 swims
2011 - 144 km, 60 hours, 70 swims
2010 - 138 km
2009 - 144 km
2008 - 145 km
2007 - 193 km
2006 - 136 km
2005 - 128 km


2012 - 5,326 km, 191 hours, 86 rides
2011 - 4,469 km, 167 hours, 101 rides
2010 - 4,585 km, 173 hours, 95 rides
2009 - 4,117 km, 166 hours, 95 rides
2008 - 3,651 km
2007 - 3,752 km
2006 - 3,731 km
2005 - 2,785 km


2012 - 1,179 km, 116 hours, 161 runs
2011 - 841 km, 78 hours, 117 runs
2010 - 927 km, 91 hours, 142 runs
2009 - 1,023 km, 97 hours, 116 runs
2008 - 655 km
2007 - 1,029 km
2006 - 869 km
2005 - 830 km

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