Sunday 14 July 2013

Been Busy

It's been a little gap since I last posted, things have been busy. Last weekend we helped out with Duathlon run by our Triathlon Club. It was an early start to get race site set up, we performed marshalling duties during the race, then afterwards we packed everything up into the truck, but it didn't end there. Back at the clubrooms we unpacked the truck (probably the toughest job of the day) and then headed to Brown Cow for a well deserved lunch with Bill, Jenny, Matt, Martin and Christian.

After lunch Elaine and I headed to FootPro in Malvern to buy some trail runners (XOSIZE don't sell trail runners). We got away with wearing our Newton runners at Kew, but the next race at Plenty looks a lot more technical (including two creek crossings) so we figured we'd definitely be better off with more appropriate footwear. Elaine bought some Salomon runners, whilst I opted for a pair of Inov8 TrailRocs.

Mine are the blue and lime ones on the right and Elaine's the black and red on the left. Elaine's Salomon runners have more serious off road tread and will almost certainly be better suited if the trails get muddy. But I preferred the lightness of the Inov8 runners and also liked the versatility of a less serious tread pattern. I'll be able to happily wear mine on firm trails, whereas Elaine's will need a softer surface for the tread to sink into.

At just over 11.5 hours, this week has been one my bigger training loads. Other than a week in mid June that included a long ride on the Queen's Birthday holiday, this has been my biggest week since January. I backed off the running with only 3 runs totally 27km. However I did 7.3 km of swimming over three swims and three days of riding for 163km. And most of the soreness from the previous weeks has started to disappear.

It hasn't all been serious training time. This week we ventured off into the city to celebrate Elaine's birthday. We stayed at the Mercure Hotel in Queens Rd (opposite Albert Park lake), enjoyed a Whisky tasting session in the city followed by a lovely 3 course meal at the Marriott before being chauffeur driven back to the Mercure in a nice 7 series BMW.

As I write this. I am enjoying one of the beautiful Single Malts we purchased after the Whisky Tasting.

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