Friday 28 October 2011

Oh the Pain !!!

This morning I was awoken by severe pain.  If I straightened my leg, excruciating pain ripped through my knee.  I tried getting out of bed, but any weight on my leg made it even worse.  So I fell back into bed and assumed the fetal position.

Elaine was nice enough to get me an ice pack and 30 minutes later I made the arduous trek to the couch.  I could not put any weight on my left leg and I couldn't even hop, because any vibration was just as painful.  So I had to use nearby furniture as crutches to help me carefully glide (with an anguished face) to the next room.

Luckily we have a lot of unwatched shows on the set top box, so I spent the morning watching Mad Max and then old episodes of The Office while I waited for the anti-inflammatory gel to do its work.  Near the end of Mad Max, he has to kill the baddie and then hobble back to his car after being shot in the knee - I reckon if Max's knee had of hurt as much as mine, he'd of never made it.

Once the anti-inflammatory gel started to work I was able to hop which gave me much needed mobility to do things like go to the toilet and get a cup of coffee.  Although obviously carrying coffee while hopping doesn't work, so a little ingenuity was needed to get the coffee cup back to the couch.  I spent the afternoon at my computer and it wasn't until 3pm that I could gingerly walk again.  It is now just after 6pm and I can walk normally, but still with slight pain.

Any training this weekend looks extremely unlikely and the first Triathlon of the season on 6th November is starting to look in doubt.  Other than one tendon in my knee, the rest of me is feeling great, so it is very disappointing not to be able to train, and even more disappointing if I start missing races.

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