Tuesday 10 July 2012

Double Swim

After Saturday's long (and very cold) ride, my knee pulled up a little sore. I should have iced the knee after the ride, but after being out in below freezing temperatures, the last thing I wanted to do was apply ice to my body. As a result I decided to skip my long run on Sunday to give my knee some time to recover.

To make up for missing a run, it seemed like a good idea to add in an extra swim Monday night. I took an instant meal to work to have for tea at 5:30pm (an hour before the swim session). This would not only fuel me for the session, but more importantly remove the hassle of having to cook tea when I got home - always a problem with evening training sessions.

Tuesday morning the alarm went off (always too early) and I headed off to my second swimming session in 12 hours. As soon as I started the car, the petrol warning light came on. So the whole way to the pool I was concentrating on finding a petrol station. The first couple were still closed (it was 5:40am), but luckily I found one open just before Southland. All this concentration meant I forgot to eat my banana - something I didn't realise until I was on the pool deck. At this point I also realised I'd left my water bottle in the car. It seems I'm lost without Elaine, as I'm sure none of this would have happened if she was in the car.

Doing two swim sessions within 12 hours was always going to be difficult. But having barely eaten between them made it almost impossible. I was surprisingly good for the first kilometre, but then things went quickly downhill. Just having a water bottle full of sports drink would've probably been enough to get me through, but with no nutrition at all, I soon dropped off the pace. It was a pity, because it was a good session with a main set of 9 x 100m on 1m50s (twice).

I've since had a good breakfast and an even better coffee and plan to run at lunchtime. Hopefully the knee will hold out - I have the XRay booked for late this afternoon.

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