Tuesday 14 May 2013

Ronde de Bayside (Autumn Classic)

Bayside Triathlon Club now holds three bike events per year with Sprint and King Of the Mountain (KOM) points - they are officially referred to as a training session with sections of max effort. Last year I competed in the Bayside Spring Classic and the Ben Griffin Classic. Now I have completed the trilogy with the Ronde de Bayside (aka Bayside Autumn Classic).

Being so early in the season my riding form is close to non-existent, so I wasn't really expecting much. My usual plan under these circumstances is to simply pretend I'm in form and go for everything. Elaine has also done next to no riding, but with the Half Ironman on the horizon she decided to have a go as well. Our house is located at the 20km mark of the ride, so the plan was for Elaine to leave 10 minutes before the group was due to arrive. This would give her a chance to ride up the hills at her own pace before everyone caught up to her in Mt Eliza (or there abouts).

When I caught up with the group, I was surprised how large it was - must have been close to 80 riders. Riding passed my house exactly 10 minutes after Elaine was due to leave, I was hoping she had a good lead on us. In the meantime the first Intermediate Sprint just before Frankston was approaching. I found a good position in the leadout train and was in 4th wheel with about 200 metres to go. In perfect position, I sensed the right moment to launch my attack but the legs simply didn't respond. There was nothing there and all I could do was hold 4th place (points are only awarded to the first 3). The Sprint Points went to Clint, Tom and Will.

Unlike the other events, we skipped Oliver's Hill in this event and went through the back streets of Frankston. However we still had a KOM on Kara St - longer but not quite as steep. I haven't climbed this hill very often, but I thought it would probably suit me. Again I moved into a good position for the start of the climb and again my legs failed me. Within the first 50 metres of the 1km climb it was obvious it just wasn't going to happen, so I eased off to save myself for the rest of the ride. Again Clint and Tom took the honours with Ray in third.

As we rode into Mt Eliza, the group thinned a little as some riders turned back early. I was impressed with Elaine's effort as we hadn't caught her yet. However when we got Mornington and still hadn't seen Elaine, I realised she had obviously left home very late and was actually behind us.

My legs were starting to loosen up a bit and I was considering my chances at the next KOM (Balcombe Hill). The start point begins with a fast descent leading to the bottom of the hill. Tom launched an early attack on the descent and I charged off after him. At the start of the actual climb, Tom was about 30 metres in front and I had a slightly larger gap to the chasers behind.  It is a 2.5km climb, so rather than try and close the gap straight away, I decided to pace myself and just keep Tom in sight. Unfortunately the chasers led my Ray caught me in the first kilometre. I slotted into their draft, but now I was sitting in 4th place and Clint was sitting on my wheel. Even though I was starting to feel better, I was not going to beat Tom, Ray and Clint from this position, so I backed off to save my legs for more efforts later in the ride. At least 20 other riders passed me before the top. This time Tom managed to pip Clint to the line and Ray scored another 3rd place.

We stop at the half way mark at the BP service station in Dromana, but there is a Sprint just before this. Knowing that we would have rest straight afterwards seemed to encourage a lot more riders to compete for points. Young Martin was one of the early riders to set the pace with Clint sitting on his wheel and I was following Clint. Then Darren launched an early attack and scored a handy gap before everyone picked up the pace in pursuit. Lots of riders were passing on the outside and I found myself blocked in. Luckily the road widened just before the Sprint finish and I used this extra space to pass Clint and Martin on the left as I charged for the line. Darren held on for the win, Tom got second and Adam pipped me in a photo finish for third.

Being a triathlete, I know nothing about sprinting. I usually feel like I have all this extra power that is too much to transfer through the pedals. The Dromana Sprint was one of my better efforts and if I hadn't been blocked in could have done much better, but I still couldn't convert all the power available. Maybe it's gear selection, I'm not sure. Hopefully I'll work it out with more practice.

After a quick stop at the BP to fill up water bottles, we headed through the undulating and twisty Mt Martha Esplandade (one of my favourite cycling roads). Having pulled out early in the previous two KOMs, I decided I would ride hard up Beleura Hill regardless of my position. Ironically only Tom and I really put any effort into the contest. Tom beat me easily, I took second and Ray was a distant third. A bit of an anti-climax, but at least I finally got some points on the board.

My legs were definitely feeling better now and I was looking forward to the next sprint in Seaford. This time everything seemed to go right - I was in good position, didn't get blocked in and was sitting in third wheel behind Will and Clint as we approached the last 100m. The problem was that the Sprint finished at a set of pedestrian lights and these lights were now red, so Clint called the Sprint off. Initially I thought this would mean I'd get points for third, but it turns out the Sprint was nullified and no points were awarded.

Still feeling good I continued on past my house and stayed with the ride headed for Black Rock (another 20kms away). Once at Mordialloc there are no more start points, so breakaways are now allowed. There are 3 more Points after Mordialloc - Sprint at Parkers Rd, KOM on Ricketts Point and the finish line at Black Rock. By Mordialloc the group had thinned to about 20 riders and the pace immediately picked up - it was now an 8km race to Black Rock.

We were travelling so fast, Parkers Rd came upon us quicker than I expected and the Sprint happened without me - Clint, Will and Tom took the points. The peleton re-grouped and pace picked up once again. I was feeling OK, but not great and I knew the further I continued on, the further I'd have to ride to get back home, so I pulled the pin at Mentone and skipped Ricketts Point and the finish.

Tom, Clint and Adam scored the KOM points on Ricketts Point and Clint, Will and Tom took the honours on the finish line. Hayley was the first female rider home.

Another great ride organised by Clint. It was very enjoyable and would have been even better if I'd done some training beforehand. Even though Elaine missed the group, she still had a good ride and hopefully this will kick off her ride training.

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