Thursday 1 December 2011

No longer drowning

Swimming has always been by far my weakest leg and it has also been the discipline for which I have always trained the least.  So it is not surprising that my swimming ability has remained stagnant whilst I've slowly improved on the bike and run.

However with the frustration of restricted running and cycling due to my knee injury, I have recently spent a lot more time swimming.  In fact in the last 17 days I have done 14 swims, 7 bike rides and only 6 walk/run sessions.

For the first time ever my monthly swim mileage (26km) is larger than my run mileage (21km).  All of my sessions in November were done at an easy pace while I concentrate on staying in my aerobic zone, so I have not broken any swim PBs.  But I definitely feel swimming is becoming easier and I am having no problems backing up swim sessions day after day (ocassionally even 2 sessions in one day)

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