Sunday 15 January 2012

10 weeks to go

I usually start building the training load 12 weeks out from a major event and then become very focused and train hard for the last 8 weeks (that includes up to 2 weeks taper).  The Long Distance Triathlon at Geelong is 6 weeks before Ironman Melbourne, so it may change the way I usually formulate the those last 8 weeks, not that I have ever actually trained for an Ironman before.

Despite being greatly hindered by my knee injury, I consider myself to be well into the build stage, if not already in the focussed, hard period usually reserved for the last 8 weeks.  Today I completed a 160km solo ride in 5h13m.  This takes the week's bike mileage up to 384km and the overall week's training volume up to 18h20m (365 slowtwitch points).  Obviously the week was slightly dominated by cycling, but this is the first time I have completed what I would consider an Ironman training week.  Hopefully I'll be able to start putting down several of these sort of weeks in succession.

The running this week was a little light on with only 3 runs totalling 27km. but it did show promising signs with a long run of 14km.  I now need to continue building upon this distance every week.  Disappointingly I only did 3 swims this week due to general fatigue and some lack of motivation - not unexpected in such a big training week.  However Friday's swim was 3km and I was still swimming quite strongly towards the end of the session.

At the moment the knee is not ready for a long brick session (run off the bike).  It usually feels quite sore once I've finished my rides, but generally comes good the next morning.  As a result, I will probably work on increasing the bike and run distances separately.  The Geelong triathlon will probably be the first test of running off the bike (20km run after an 80km bike leg).

I also need to work out where to place my recovery periods.  Historically I've worked on 3 weeks of hard training and then 1 week off.  The timing of the Geelong race makes this approach a little difficult, plus I'm currently hesitant to have a full week off for recovery.  At the moment I'm leaning more towards having smaller 3 day recovery periods - during these days I will either swim or have a complete day of rest.  How I manage the recovery periods will probably have a major influence upon whether or not my knee injury heals in time.

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