Tuesday 3 January 2012

81 Days till Ironman

The clock is ticking down fast.

Last week wasn't bad with 12.5 hours of training, but most importantly I got in 33kms of running.  Ideally I would be running 60kms a week by now, but 33 is definitely better a massive improvement over the last 3 months.

Today I ran 12.5km.  There is 5.5 weeks till the Long Distance Triathlon in Geelong that has a run leg of 20km.  I'm a long way behind where I would like to be, but I still think it is workable.  I also need to get in a 30km run before Ironman (in 81 days).

The bike is going OK, I did 75km on Monday and hopefully will get in a longer ride tomorrow morning (weather dependent).  Compared to other years my bike is going well, but this year I'm doing Ironman and really need to start getting in a lot more distance as I'm still fading very badly after 3 hours of riding).  The 200km Alpine Classic Ride on 29th Jan (3.5 weeks to go) now looks extremely unlikely due to my knee.  Therefore I'll need to schedule in an alternate 200km ride before Ironman (not looking forward to that - I'll rediscover how sore a bum can get).

Now that I'm getting in more running and riding, swimming has taken a bit of a back seat.  I still feel like I'm swimming well, but that won't last unless I start getting back in the pool on a regular basis and start clocking up 10km swim weeks again.

So in summary, up to this point I've done more swimming that I expected, significantly less riding that I hoped and way, way, way less running than I would have liked.  But I still think I can get in enough training in the next 81 days to be ready for Ironman - not as ready as I would have liked - but people very rarely are.

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