Sunday 28 April 2013

Bayside Awards Night

Saturday night was the Annual Awards Night for the Bayside Triathlon Club. Elaine and I were previously members of the Taylormade Triathlon Club that merged with Bayside last year, so this was the first time we had attended the Bayside event.

Elaine and I enjoyed ourselves very much (even though I was still very sick) and it was great to meet some of the club member's partners who we rarely see.

Obviously a lot of awards were handed out during the night. As part of the merger between the two clubs, the Bruce Burston Award was carried over from Taylormade and won by young Martin (pictured left) - an award previously won by Elaine.  The three Life Members of Taylormade - Jeremy, Sally and Bruce were honoured with Bayside Life Membership as well as three new life members in Christian, Simon and Graeme.

Elaine with  spin instructor Karen and Clint
Naturally there was an award for Outstanding Performance predictably won by Hayley - winning her age group in both the XOSIZE and Gatorade series and well as getting a podium in her age group at the World Championships in Auckland. But most of the awards were more based upon how members contributed to making Bayside a better club. For each category, 3 nominees were listed and then one winner announced. Mark won the award for Commitment based upon his incredible effort to go from the couch to finishing an Ironman. Elaine and I were both nominated for awards but I was beaten by Bill for Community and Elaine and was beaten by Ray for Friendliness. However we didn't go home empty handed as Elaine won the Masterchef Dessert competition for her TiraMisu (pictured above left - the one in the middle with strawberries on top).
Me with new life member Simon

In the president's welcome speech, Adam mentioned that Bayside has grown to now have 350 members. No wonder I have so much trouble remembering everyone's name. There were 80 or so who attended the Awards Night and it was wonderful to mingle with them in a different environment - although being quite sick I did try and keep my distance.

On a final note, during presentations Clint cast doubt that I only do 2 training rides per week. Having looked through my training diary, in the 57 weeks since I did Ironman I have done 68 rides, which means I have only averaged 1.2 rides per week. I do plan to ride more in the next 12 months.

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