Monday 8 August 2011

Duathlon - Knox

Neither Elaine nor I were in good condition.  I had only been back running for 2 weeks, and Elaine had done even less.  But last year I kept on waiting until I had fitness before entering a race and ended up missing every Duathlon.  So I figured we would just do the races and see how we went.  Plus I'd also strongly suggested to one of the athletes I was coaching, Jan, that she do the Duathlon, so it would be good for us to be there and give her some support.

I ran the first 5km in 21m28s which is about 2 mins off my best, but I was pleasantly surprised to be able to run that well off such a tiny running base.  I was just over a minute behind two mates from the Triathlon Club, Courtney and Peter and wondered if I could catch them on the bike leg.

This was my first ride of the new Tri Bike, it was raining and the course was very technical with heaps of corners, so I took it very easy on the first lap.  The bike handled really well and I decided I would push a little harder each lap, unfortunately just near the end of the first lap (of 5) I got a puncture.  The new bike had looked so beautiful I had decided not to hang anything off it (like a spare tubular), so the puncture meant the end of the race.  Sadly Jan also suffered a puncture and like me did not carry a spare.

Elaine was lucky with a weak field in her age group and scored a win, whilst Courtney and Peter did not share the same luck and both finished 4th.

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