Tuesday 28 February 2012

Slow Progress

My hip has finally improved enough for me to start running again, but I am very limited in how far I can run.  On Sunday I ran 1km before the pain forced me to stop.  On Monday I managed 2km and 3km on Tuesday.  Each time I am forced to stop due to pain, but the distance is increasing if somewhat slower than I would like.

The wound on my hip has now scabbed over, so I am able to recommence swimming.  Coincidentally my swimming mileage has matched my run distances with Sunday, Monday and Tuesday seeing swims of 1, 2 & 3kms.  I felt very good on the Tuesday session swimming in the 2nd fastest lane at John Van Wisse's session.

Riding has not been affected by swimming and last week I managed 2 Windtrainer sessions, a 141km long ride on Saturday and an easy 40km on Sunday.  This brought last week's training time to just under 10 hours - a lot less than the planned 20 hours, but still good considering it only contained 1x1km swim and 1x1km run.

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