Saturday 10 March 2012

Approaching Taper

Nagging pain has persisted in my knee.  I can still swim, bike and run but my knee does not feel anywhere near as good as it felt a week ago.  I'm worried that it will give out during the Ironman run leg and once it gives out I'll be walking the remainder of the race.

Training this week has been pretty leisurely so far.  It should not affect my preparation much, as this close to the race you would usually be starting to wind back the volume (although not usually this much).  So far I have done 2 swims (5km), 1 ride (65km) and 3 runs (20km).  Today's ride was supposed to be longer but I punctured right near the start and therefore lost the pack.  Then my knee was getting a little sorer the more I rode and I was keen to run off the bike.  The run was only 5km but the knee felt fine, however it has been aching a bit this afternoon.

Tomorrow I'd planned a 100km ride, but I'm now considering riding much less.  Monday I plan to try and run for 2 hours (hopefully around 20km) and don't want to do anything to jeopardise this.

Next week will be another easy week.  The only planned ride will be on Sunday at the velodrome where I will test out the bike in full race kit (it is being serviced next week).  Depending upon how Monday's run goes, I'll probably sneak in a few 10km runs and hopefully several swims.  On Saturday morning there is a swim organised at the Frankston (the race venue), so I'll probably do this instead of my usual Saturday group ride (weather dependent).

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