Saturday 24 March 2012

Ready for Bike Check In

Time to pack the transition bags which have to be dropped off today. On the right is the gear laid out for my bike transition.  The main items are race bib, chamois (anti-chafing) cream, towel and sunnies.  Due to the recent weather forecast, I've added a cycling top, arm warmers and cycling shorts (to go over the tri shorts) in case the conditions are not great - possible early morning showers are predicted.  Since taking the photo, I've removed the sunnies as I was worried they would get damaged in the bag.  I'll now leave them in my helmet which will be in transition next to the bike.  The helmet (& sunnies) and bento box that will hold my nutrition will be placed in transition tomorrow morning before the race.
The run transition bag, pictured left, will have my race bib, runners, socks, cap and more anti-chafing cream.  I'll need to confirm that sunscreen is supplied in the transition tent, otherwise I will carry the sunscreen that I pick up from my bike special needs bag.

I've toyed with the idea of having a complete change of clothes for the run to try and get a fresher feel.  But when I ran off my 180km training ride I didn't feel the need to change, so I haven't bothered packing extra clothes here.  Less to do is less to think to about - keep it simple.

The last picture is my bike ready to be checked into transition.  A spare tubular tyre (in case of punctures) is taped under the seat and the race sticker is attached to the seat post.  During the race the bike will contain 2 water bottles, race computer and bento box full of nutrition - all of which sort out on race morning.

As part of bike check-in, I'll be weighed for medical reasons and photographed with my bike for security reasons.  The first sign of race nerves are starting to appear as I begin to worry that I've forgotten something.

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