Tuesday 22 May 2012

Injury Stocktake

As the new season is just starting, I thought I'd take stock of my current injury status. Ironically I usually stiffen up during breaks from training and generally feel better as the season rolls on.

Back: At present my biggest injury and the currently being treated by my Physio (Hawthorn). Originally injured it in February 2011. I frequently experience tightness in the back which usually dissipates as I loosen up with gentle exercise, however it flared up in November 2012 playing cricket, and again last Friday whilst playing basketball.

Left Shoulder: pre-existing injury (probably dating back to 1990). Flared up last season and so far seems even worse now. Typically warms up after 1km of swimming but can often start to hurt again towards the end of the session. According to Physio (Sandy Sports Mecidine) last year, I am not doing any further damage, so simply persist with swimming. However I should re-commence doing the strenghening exercises.  It is particularly sore at the moment, but I'm hoping it will improve throughout the season.

Neck: I suspect this is a side affect of the sore shoulder. Don't remember experiencing it last year (maybe a little bit after long rides on the tri-bike). So far this season (the whole 2 weeks of it) it has become very sore. Hopefully the chiropractor can sort it out (seeing him on Wednesday).

Left Patella Tendon: Injured in October 2011 and has been inflamed ever since - Patella Tendonitis or Jumpers Knee. The inflammation still exists but has reduced significantly since Ironman.  This injury dramatically affected my training for Ironman last year and also the reason for me missing the Alpine Classic and all of the Sprint Triathlons.  Until this injury clears I cannot do any run speed work or hills on the bike.  Of all the injuries, this is the one I am most keen to get over.  Fortunately it seems to be recovering well (did not get affected by Basketball) and is the injury that is currently bothering me the least (all good signs).

Left Patella: Suffered patella tracking problems in April 2012, after 2 months recovery have not noticed any issues since. I fell heavily on my left knee playing Basketball on Friday and now sport a large lump which is quite sore - I expect this to heal naturally within a week or so. Despite the soreness it does not hamper training.

Groin: Suffered right groin pain after my bike crash in February 2012 - referred pain from the trauma to my hip socket. This appears to be completely healed, but I am now suffering similar pain in my left groin. I have suffered on and off groin pain for the last 30 years.

Quads: Minor strain in January 2012 which is completely healed now. Prone to getting very stiff and adversely affecting the patella tendon injury. Very tender now after the harder than expected ride on Saturday morning.

ITB: Last injured in July 2008, but like the quads, prone to getting very stiff and adversely affecting the patella tendon injury. Not too bad at the moment.

Hamstrings and Glutes: No real issues other than prone to getting tight and sore - which they are now due to Saturday's ride (and maybe Basketball).

Calfs: Torn in 1989 and often strained since. Surprisingly I did not experience calf issues when training for Ironman, but they are a little sore now after Saturday morning's harder than expected ride.

Achilles: Suffered lots of achilles strains from 2005 to 2008. This injury appears to have been fine since I switched to running in Newtons in 2008.

Plantar Fascia: Suffered a bad case of plantar fasciitis in 2006. It has never been 100% since, but like the Achilles, much better since I switched to running in Newtons.

Feet: Suffered lots of cramping in my feet last season, often whilst swimmimg. They are currently very stiff and feel like they could cramp any time. Not sure what is causing this issue or how to remedy it.

Toes: My second toe is longer than the big toe and therefore always takes the brunt on long runs. The toenail on my left big toe was cracked playing cricket in around 1998 and the crack has remained ever since. I lost the toenail on my left second toe as a result of Ironman. My left big toes is bruised from Basketball, but otherwise I regard my toes to be in relatively good condition.

I suspect mainly arithitis, but they are very sore after Basketball last Friday. Probably got jammed by the ball, but I don't remember any specific incidents.

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