Sunday 30 September 2012


It didn't feel like much, but this was my biggest training week of season. Just over 11 hours (235 slowtwitch points) - 2 swims (6.2km), 3 rides (150km) and 4 runs (32km) which included a long run of 14km.

The week also included a lot of stretching, single leg squats, foam rolling, spikey balls and rolling golf balls under the foot for my tight plantar fascia. All my muscles still feel tight - plantar fascia, calf, achilles, hamstrings, quads and glutes. It feels like I am only an extra kilometre away from injury. However I rarely felt any issues during the sessions themselves, it was more a case of being very stiff afterwards.

I deliberately backed off the week's run mileage in an effort to release the stress on the muscles. It appears to have worked, but I still need to be very careful over the next few weeks.

Of the week's sessions, I was most happy with my long run (14km) this morning. The general plan is to increase the distance of my long run by one kilometre each week. However my long run hit the 14km mark 7 weeks ago and then stalled at this point. This week was the first time I finished the run feeling like I could run further.

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