Saturday 1 September 2012

Spring into Training

With Spring starting this week, I decided it was time to start ramping up the training. Possibly bad timing with legs still stiff and sore from the ride last Saturday.

With the daylight now lasting till 6pm, I snuck in a slow 4km recovery run on Monday night. Tuesday was the usual 3km squad swim in the morning and an easy 10km at lunchtime. On Wednesday I rode to and from work (round trip 70km), unfortunately the trip to work was into a nasty headwind (trip home was 20 minutes quicker). Another easy 10km lunchtime run on Thursday. Unfortunately I missed my usual swim on Friday, Elaine was sick and the rain was pelting down - not ideal for a swim in an outdoor pool.

Saturday morning was swimming time trials (in a wetsuit) followed by a Velodrome session. My 2 swimming time trials were:
  900m 14m25s @ 1m36s per 100m
  900m 14m35s @ 1m37s per 100m
This was a significant improvement over last time (700m in 12m50s @ 1m50s per 100m), but I didn't wear a wetsuit last time, so it is difficult to compare.

In the Velodrome session, my legs were still not recovered from the Bayside Classic.  They felt very heavy from the start, but somehow I still managed some OK time trials.
  10.86km 16m01s @ 40.6kph
  10.82km 16m01s @ 40.5kph
I was supposed to do a 3rd time trial, but I was feeling pretty stuffed and my saddle sores were playing up. While my times had not improved since the last Velodrome time trials in July (40.4kph, 40.9kph & 40.4kph), I was still happy with how the session went.

Wednesday night I ordered 2 Cobb Saddles over the Internet -the Plus model for me and the Vflow for Elaine. I've heard good reports and hopefully they'll solve my saddle sore issues.  Unfortunately they didn't arrive before the weekend.

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