Friday 7 September 2012


The weather turned on Wednesday with wild storms causing damage throughout Melbourne. Wisely I decided against riding into work, plus I wanted to stay relatively fresh for Sunday's ride in the Dandenongs. Unfortunately even without the commute to work, I've been feeling anything but fresh.

Another easy recovery run after work on Wednesday night went well. But my lunchtime run on Thursday was terrible. Aches, pains and a general feeling of legarthy dominated the start of the run and then it got worse. On the way back I felt like I hadn't eaten for days. My heart rate was low, mostly under 130, but my pace was even lower - averaging only 6m20s per kilometre for the 10km.

After stuffing myself with food in the afternoon (energy bar, lunch, apple, yoghurt, nuts, coffee, muffin and a chocolate brownie) and a large portion of lasagna for tea, I was feeling much better for the run session I had to coach Thursday night. During the coaching session I ran another 4km, small sections at a fast pace whilst trying correct athletes' running technique (usually arm position). Running whilst coaching felt good, but as I got ready for swimming Friday morning I could feel all of those extra 4km in my legs - I still managed to do 3.3km in the pool (biggest session so far this season).

In the last 2 weeks I've only increased my training slightly, but I'm definitely noticing the extra load. Hopefully my body will transition quickly to the slightly extra mileage, but I am going to have to tread lightly.

On Wednesday, the new Cobb Saddles arrived (a week after ordering them). I've put the new saddle on the tri-bike and I'm planning to do a quick velodrome session tonight (weather permitting). The new seat is an ugly looking thing, lets hope it feels better than it looks. I'll provide photos and a quick review in the next post.

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