Friday 11 November 2011

Back to light training

Friday was an absolutely beautiful day.  As soon as I got home from the Physio, I slopped on some sunscreen and went out for an easy ride.  It felt so good to be back training, but I had to make sure I only rode slowly, which is very difficult when you are so excited.

Elaine had bought me some wonderful gifts for my recent birthday including a new bike computer - a Garmin Edge 800.  This computer does everything but pedal for you.

I also had just recently bought some new cycling shoes.  My previous pair were Triathlon specific with straps that allow you to easily get in and out of the shoes whilst riding the bike (speeds up transitions in a race).  However I had heard from several different sources that these shoes are not good for doing lots of long training rides.  So I bought a second pair of shoes that are road cycling specific.

Still feeling good, I went down to the Frankston pool and swam almost 2km, most of it without the pool buoy.  I can feel that I've lost a lot of fitness and conditioning (and put on weight), but I don't think it will take long to get back into top shape.  The only problem is having to take things easy whilst my injuries slowly repair.

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